It’s Vanderlaan Building Productsʼ Community Builders Day and we are profiling David McTavish and his involvement as a volunteer in Cobourg.
If you’re looking for the friendliest, most genuine hello in Corktown, you must have been walking by the McTavish residence – his shop door is open most of the time
and he is able to chat with everyone who goes by, including the tourists who enjoy the beach during the summer.
He says, “Cobourg is small enough that I can get to know LOTS of people, and big enough that no one should be able to say he is bored, or he is lonely, or has nothing to do!”
David says that over the years he has faced a few challenges, but the recent COVID-19 pandemic has meant a lot of “social isolation” time being quarantined or hunkered down. And since he is a “really social animal”, right now is a really big challenge for him and for his wife who has been his “constant companion”.
David McTavish has done many volunteer “jobs” in his retirement from being a teacher, including as a set builder for a variety of amateur theatre groups, including the Northumberland Players; as a helper with Habitat for Humanity. And he’s a blood donor as well: more than 300 donations to date!
But what David might be most famous for is building what Cobourg calls “POP UP LIBRARIES”. It all started back in June four years ago. A friend, who is a member of the local Rotary Club, asked if he would build a couple for them. He did, and now, four years later, there are 14 in and around Cobourg, plus four more, in neighbouring communities.
David’s story doesn’t end there though. He says he feels it is important to give back to the community, to be a volunteer, for many reasons – one of the most important reasons is that his oldest son, Patrick, is multiply and profoundly handicapped. He just turned 56 a couple weeks ago, and for the past fifty years he has been in care. He says, quote, “Your taxes, our neighbours’ taxes, my taxes have paid for Patrick’s care and it has been terrific care! So, if all of YOU are helping take care of Patrick, why wouldn’t I want to be an active volunteer in whatever way I can?!”
He says he is very proud to be the Dad of seven terrific kids, and nine grandkids, and is lucky to have Susan as his life’s companion.
As David often says, quote, “We are SO lucky to be alive right now, in this community, with all the options and opportunities we have before us. Life is GOOD!”
Hear our full interview with David McTavish and what makes him a Community Builder by clicking the audio link below.