It’s Vanderlaan Building Productsʼ Community Builders Day and we are profiling David Sheffield.
If you asked David Sheffield 30 years ago what his life would like in 2020, his answer probably wouldn’t have been that he’d be leading a community outreach and support organization in Port Hope.
Sheffield says he didn’t spend most of his life in formal social work, he earned his living as a house painter!
He says he became involved in what would become Green Wood Coalition after attending a community potluck in 2007 with residents of Green Wood Towers motel.
Sheffield adds that Green Wood is a community of people helping each other, and since those dinners began over a decade ago, Green Wood Coalition has grown into an organization offering street level outreach, weekly programming for clients and much more.
Sheffield says their goal is to advocate for people in the community and to educate the community on the issues some of our neighbours face.
The executive director adds that this global pandemic is reminding everyone that they’re all in this together and there can be no us and them.
Sheffield says he’s a proud father and his adult children are his greatest accomplishment.
To hear more about David Sheffield and all of the crucial work he does year-round, and continues to do during COVID-19, click on the audio link below to hear our full interview.