It’s Vanderlaan Building Productsʼ Community Builders Day and we are profiling Owner of Vanderlaan Building Products Gerald Draaistra.
“Iʼve been blessed to be able to live in Brighton my entire life.”
From racing at Brighton Speedway years ago, to launching the HomeBuild Program for Trenton Memorial Hospital, Gerald Draaistra has always kept it local.
The same can be said for his business Vanderlaan Building Products. Vanderlaan Building Products has been located at 13 Loyalist Drive in Brighton for over 20 years.
Despite running a successful business, Mr. Draaistra always has time for his role with Trenton Memorial Hospital.
Gerald is one of many directors on the TMH board and has been credited with launching the HomeBuild program which has raised millions of dollars over the years.
The HomeBuild program builds homes through donated time and materials with all proceeds going to the foundation.
TMH now has a state-of-the-art CT Scanner thanks to the funds raised by the HomeBuild Program.
You can find more information and donate to the Trenton Memorial Hospital Foundation at tmhfoundation.com.
You can hear our full interview with Gerald Draaistra here: