It’s Vanderlaan Building Productsʼ Community Builders Day and we are profiling President and CEO of Brighton Tire, Jake Whalen. “Sports is something I find really important for kids. I think it makes great characters of them and builds great work ethic.”That is one of many reasons why Jake Whalen gives back to the local sporting community generously.Jake and his wife Cherie bought Brighton Tire on Loyalist Drive back in March of 2019. As part of their open house, they invited Brighton Minor Baseball to raise money for the organization. $600 was raised that day.
Jake also raised $100 for every first-time player in the Brighton Minor Hockey Organization.
Jake doesnʼt just stop in Brighton though. Jake is also heavily involved with raising money for Warkworthʼs hockey program.
Jake is one of the owners of Warkworth Musicfest which has been running for three consecutive summers. In December the concert series handed over $2500 to Warkworthʼs Minor Hockey IP Program. The Special Initiation Program gives $100 off to the first 25 players who register.
Warkworth Music Fest has not yet confirmed if they will take the stage this summer due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The concert is set for July 23rd-26th. You can hear our full interview with Jake Whalen here: