If you leave your vehicle parked on King Street this Saturday after 4 o’clock you will be ticketed and fined. This is according to the Town of Cobourg.
The reason for this warning is because of Cobourg’s Santa Claus Parade which is taking place at 6 pm on Saturday. This evening parade is a departure of the previous parades which have been run through the day.
There are other street closures and transit detours that will be affected by the parade also, they include:
- Second Street from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m.
- William Street from University Avenue south bound traffic to King St W3 p.m.
- William St at King St W northbound traffic 3 p.m.
- Ontario Street at University Avenue West from 3 p.m.
- Ontario Street at William Street from 3 p.m.
- King Street West at William Street to D’Arcy Street from 3:30 p.m.
- King Street East at Cottesmore Avenue detouring traffic north on Cottesmore Avenue from 5:30 p.m.
- D’Arcy Street from King Street to Donegan Park for marshalling of floats from 7-8:30 p.m.