Community Living Campbellford / Brighton, a charitable organization, serves 180 clients who live throughout Northumberland County. They provide supports and services to people with intellectual disabilities and promote opportunities for them to experience personal growth within their communities.
Led by many professional staff members, Dawn Lee is a seasoned professional, working for the agency for 17 years, and is currently the Executive Director. She is a people person who wants Community Living’s clients to grow and progress.
Community Living is best known for providing Northumberland County with Community Homes. There is 1 home in Warkworth, 3 homes in Campbellford and 1 home in Cobourg. These homes provide a safe place for adults who require assistance with everyday living. They strongly focus on relationship building, goal setting and meaningful days for their clients. Staff members ensure that their days are filled with challenging work and/or leisure activities that meet each person’s preferences. All clients live in shared accommodations and receive up to 24 hour on-site support.
Donna Desjardins, Director of Support & Services has worked with Community Living for 18 years and is motivated by the support that families receive.
As a multi-service agency, Community Living offers many support services but two that many are not aware of is their Supported Independent Living (SIL) program and their Employment Supports service.
The SIL program is uniquely tailored to each of their client’s individual needs. Instead of residing in Community Homes, they opt to live independently, or with roommates of their own choosing. Supports are not provided around the clock; but range from a few hours to several hours per week and work in tandem with other father or community supports. This program is meant to assist Community Living’s clients to truly become active members of their own community, on their own.
Lisa Searle is a newer staff member with Community Living, working for the agency for 1 and a half years, and is the Director of Quality Enhancement & Community Development. She has several years of experience in health care settings and is inspired to be involved in Community Living’s client’s lives as they accomplish their goals.
Like many charitable organizations, volunteers are a major part of Community Living’s ability to deliver programs and their success. They support clients and also support them with assistance at fundraising events.
Community Living is appreciative of all their volunteers work and efforts for their clients and are always seeking new volunteers that they can match with tasks and programs that need assistance.
Like all the staff and volunteers, Community Living hopes that each of their clients can live their best life.
For more information about Community Living Campbellford / Brighton and their programs visit https://communitylivingcampbellford.com/ or call (705) 653-1821. Don’t forget, they serve all of Northumberland County.