For Stephen Bolton, NAFMC is a Labour of Love
The National Air Force Museum of Canada (NAFMC) is located on the north side of 8 Wing Trenton’s air force base. The NAFMC is open daily from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm from May 1 to September 30 and on Wednesday through Sunday 10 am to 5 pm from October 1 to April 30. It is over 75,000 square feet of display space attached to a sprawling, 16-acre air park. It employs 8 staff members and operates with the help of over 100 volunteers, who like Stephen Bolton, think of the museum as a labour of love.
Stephen Bolton grew up around the military. His father was a career military police officer, and he spent time in Trenton when his father was stationed there.
“I think at the heart of it, little boys and airplanes just go together,” joked Stephen. “But I am most proud of the work of the museum, I have learned so much about aviation, about the Canadian Armed Forces’ history, during war and peace, how airplanes are built, and even started doing a little flying too.”
The NAFMC strives to honour the heritage of the Royal Canadian Air Force. They share the aviation history full of valour and tradition through a wide variety of exhibits, interactive activities and displays, including the fully restored World War II Halifax Bomber (the only one of its kind in the world!). The 16-acre Airpark features both historic and active aircraft on view for an up-close and personal aviation experience.
Stephen started volunteering with the museum as a favour.
“The former base commander, Ron Russell and I worked together at Loyalist College, where he was the Dean and he asked me to do him a favour,” said Stephen. “He wanted my help promoting the idea of building a new, larger museum in a new location.”
Stephen along with many other volunteers began a fundraising campaign to move the museum to its current location, into the building that had originally been the base’s curling club that was sitting fallow.
“The campaign started in 2001 and we opened in 2007,” said Stephen. “It was the people of Quinte West, Prince Edward County and Brighton who made this museum possible.”
Stephen has served as a director, on the executive and as chair of the Board of Directors of the museum. He also regularly volunteers as a tour guide.
“I love greeting visitors, finding out where they are from and how they found out about the museum. People are so willing to share their history with me while at the museum and their stories enrich me too,” said Stephen. “My favourite is to see Veterans who are getting on in years, interact with the Halifax bomber exhibition.”
With visitors from ages 5 to 105, 50,000 – 60,000 visitors visit the museum each year.
“I love to help out, pay it forward, and I get so much satisfaction from my time spent at the museum,” added Bolton. “It takes a village and we are looking for volunteer tour guides, gift shop cashiers, we even need help to tend to the weeds and cut the grass around the airplane exhibits outside too. I encourage you to just come visit the museum first, you will see how fun and interesting it is to be a part of this important national museum.”
For more information about the NAFMC call (613) 965-7223 or visit National Air Force Museum of Canada – www.airforcemuseum.ca
Volunteer Appreciation Day, powered by Coldwell Banker RMR Real Estate.
To hear more about Stephen Bolton, one of Northumberland’s outstanding volunteers, click on the audio link below to hear our full interview.