Kids in Cold Springs will now have a fully accessible playground to use in the Township of Hamilton.
The official opening of the park was held on the morning of Oct 28, with Township staff, Mayor Bill Cane, and Northumberland Peterborough South MPP David Piccini there to cut the ribbon.
Cane and Piccini also planted a tree on the site to commemorate the opening.
Piccini said parks like this are vital to small communities.
Piccini said this park is just one example of how smaller communities in Northumberland are growing.
Cane said that the project wouldn’t have come to fruition if it weren’t for the hard work of staff, principally the Manager of Parks and Recreation Trevor Clapperton.
The construction of the park was made possible by a $50,000 grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation’s Community Building Fund.
Under construction at the park is a gazebo that will be built near the site of the playground structure.
Written by Lee McConnell