Help put something under the tree for kids in Northumberland County.
For over 30 years, the Giving Tree has helped kids have a Merry Christmas.
Even during the pandemic, they made sure over 1000 children, each year, had something under the tree, but the need is growing.
Giving Tree Coordinator Cheryl Baker told us they work with many agencies in Northumberland.
According to Baker, one group in particular could use some help.
Waking up to gifts you’ve put on your Wishlist to Santa, is magical.
Giving Tree Coordinator Cheryl Baker told us how it the Wishlist works.
You can also drop off a toys and monetary donations at The Giving Tree on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 4 – 6 pm, and Saturdays 11 am – 5 pm in the west end of Northumberland Mall.
Donations will be accepted until December 10th.
Cheryl said you can check them out on Facebook.
(20+) The Giving Tree | Facebook
Written by Joseph Goden