Breakfast, often called ‘the most important meal of the day’, and for good reason. It replenishes your supply of glucose to boost your energy levels and alertness, while also providing other essential nutrients required for good health. And most importantly – it needs to taste great too.
Volunteers at the Codrington Community Centre have a tasty deal, hosting a community breakfast at the centre every Tuesday starting at 9:00 am for $7.00 per person.
“It’s more of a social gathering,” said Kathy McCormack – Breakfast Volunteer Lead for the CCC. “We average 30 to 40 folks each week.”
Each week, the menu rotates between eggs focused breakfasts, followed by a pancake breakfast menu the next week. There is also coffee, tea, juice and fruit.
“We even try a few new dishes each week to see if people like it and it works or doesn’t work,” added McCormack.
The breakfast is an on-going fundraising activity for the CCCA, beginning in 2007 and back after a hiatus due to the pandemic.
Kathy McCormack leads a team of volunteers that restarted this weekly initiative and all money raised are donated back to the association to help with the upkeep of the Codrington Community Centre. Volunteers include, Peggy, Bill, Leslie, James, Terry, Joy, Harry, Marie, and George, pictured here. Other volunteers not available for photo include: Fiona, Yan, Larysa and Liana.
Why not make a road trip to the Codrington Community Centre, and try a tasty Tuesday Breakfast. The volunteers will make sure you are very welcome, and of course fed well!
For more information visit the Codrington Community Centre website or drop in on this community hub located in the north part of the Municipality of Brighton, 2992 County Road 30, Codrington, ON K0K 1R0.
Written by Alicia Vandine