What started as a $5,000 donation to the Campbellford Memorial Hospital Foundation has progressed into a longstanding dedicated commitment to the foundation’s important work.
Back in 2007, Calvin Newman was approached by the foundation’s executive director petitioning for a donation from his business. Shortly after, upon attending a board function as a guest, Newman came into the board fold and, come 2009, was board chair – a position he would hold for 11 years.
Upon reflection, Newman says he initially had little knowledge of the important role that the foundation plays in the hospital’s stability and operation but he quickly came up to speed.
During his time as chair, Newman led a number of successful campaigns, including the ambitious Campus Of Care initiative.
Newman says his own experiences with the hospital as a patient have been invaluable in broadening his appreciation of its services and the people who provide them
Written by: Paul Rellinger with files from Joseph Goden