The Port Hope Fair runs on volunteers and they’re looking for more to help celebrate the 190th anniversary of the fair this year.
Port Hope Fair Director Diana Barrett told us there are lots of opportunities, some with just a few hour commitment.
Barrett told us since the pandemic they’ve been struggling to find enough volunteers.
According to Barrett, they have many positions to fill.
There are lots of ways to volunteer, whether it’s at the gate or in one of the exhibition areas, and you’ll enjoy free admission for the fair!
To make getting involved as a volunteer even easier, you can now apply online!
Follow these steps to sign up online: Visit the Port Hope Fair website at porthopefair.com/volunteer then browse volunteer opportunities with Port Hope & District Agricultural Society. Please scroll to the bottom of the page and fill our the Volunteer Application. Keep an eye on your email for the latest updates and future volunteer schedules.
So what can you expect from this year’s fair that runs from September 14th to the 17th? Barrett shared the details.
You’ll also enjoy the truck and tractor pulls, cooking and canning demonstrations plus vendors, clowns, live entertainment on two stages and much more.
Diana told us about a great hack for those wanting to attend the fair and save some cash – join the Port Hope & District Agricultural Society for just 7 dollars, submit an entry to the fair and enjoy free admission for the weekend.
Submissions will be accepted right up to the Friday morning of the fair.
Written by Joseph Goden