Post Consumer Brands was one of this year’s title sponsors and they came out in force to don the red heels.
Plant Manager Craig Byers told us this is their second year.
A highlight every year is the obstacle course competition between Cobourg Police Service and the Cobourg Fire Department.
A strong contingent of first responders answered the call once again for Cornerstone.
Saturday morning saw firefighters and police officers kicking off their boots and slipping into pumps to support Cornerstone for the 16th year.
Cobourg Police Chief Paul VandeGraaf told why they walk each year.
Chief VandeGraaf also praised the work they’ve been able to do collectively as part of a pilot project to establish best practices and help train officers to best respond to calls involving intimate partner violence. Cornerstone staff have been working with the Service, reviewing files and providing subject matter expertise that’s been making enough of a difference to expand the project to Port Hope.
Cornerstone’s Executive Director Nancy Johnston told us that Walk-A-Mile is one of her favourite days of the year.
While the need continues to grow for Cornerstone’s services they continue to look forward to the day that they are no longer needed but until then, they walk to show victims of family violence they’re not alone.
If you’d like to learn more about Cornerstone, visit their website at Home | Cornerstone Family Violence Prevention Centre (cornerstonenorthumberland.ca)
Written by Joseph Goden