Brightontoday.ca sat down with First Vice President Jennifer Robison and President Rod Ingersoll to hear about what’s been happening with the Legion since the break-and-enter.
About a month ago, the Cobourg Legion was broken into and two safes containing thousands of dollars were stolen. According to Ingersoll, the support came in fast, from every direction.
Rod Ingersoll was vocal after the fact, which lead to immediate recovery of funds through community donations. The Cobourg Legion Pipes and Drums band stepped up by donating $5,000 to the branch after the robbery.
The good news is: Ingersoll says they’ve recovered well. Donations are always accepted at the legion branch, but Ingersoll wants the community to focus on the Poppy Fund.
It bodes well for the branch that gears can shift to focus on the external Poppy Trust Fund. The Legion provides financial assistance and support to Veterans, including Canadian Armed Forces and RCMP, and their families who are in need.
First Vice President Jennifer Robison told our team that the community’s support looks promising year-after-year.
You can donate at multiple sites in Cobourg, at the Legion branch, or online at Donations (legion.ca)
Written by Noah Lorusso