Brighton is eyeing enacting a no pets bylaw specifically for certain areas in town come Applefest.
Applefest is Brighton’s signature event and will mark its return in September for its 50th year. Normally, the fall festival draws a crowd of 10,000 to 15,000 to the small Municipality of Brighton.
And while the message has been clear over the years to not bring pets, it appears getting that message to stick for some continues to be a challenge.
“This isn’t about a crippling enforcement effort or about fining people necessarily,” clarified Mayor Brian Ostrander, as council during its planning meeting this week heard from municipal staff about the no pets permitted bylaw for the big day.
However, non-compliance could lead to a fine.
With appropriate signage in place, the idea is this bylaw essentially provides some teeth to tell folks no this isn’t allowed, be on your way, and people listen – if not, then fines may follow, it was explained.
At the council planning meeting, council received a staff report about the bylaw, which followed a recommendation from the Applefest steering committee earlier this year asking council direct staff to investigate and create a bylaw prohibiting pets at Applefest from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. in certain locations.
Proposed locations include the street fair on Main Street (from Prince Edward to Victoria streets); Memorial Park; the downtown children’s village; 75 Elizabeth St./King Edward Park (in its entirety); Fire Station No. 1 (Elizabeth Street), and the car show at Brighton Public School.
Ostrander noted last year as an example of ongoing challenges – how despite Applefest itinerary clearly stating no dogs, people still brought pets.
Staff explained that enforcement of public bylaws requires numerous signs indicating “no dogs/pets allowed,” and how these signs will need to be installed at proposed locations.
Without the signs, enforcement cannot take place – and enforcement can be challenged with people claiming they didn’t know, Allen Magee with bylaw enforcement told council.
Staff also recommended that areas permitting no pets require fencing with an entrance and exit with applicable signs.
The bylaw wouldn’t apply to service animals.
In the staff report, it states penalties may include asking a person to leave if they aren’t compliant, fines or even arrest if say someone becomes verbally or physically abusive. (Brighton does also already have a dog control bylaw in place, which pet owners need to abide by during Applefest.)
Staff initially recommended an estimate of anywhere between 50 to 100 signs may be needed at $27 a pop – translating to a financial impact between $1,350 to $2,700. However, council didn’t seem to have an appetite for these figures, with Coun. Emily Rowley saying this seemed “excessive.”
The largest area of concern appears to be the street fair.
Ostrander also suggested he didn’t feel the municipality needed to be too “onerous” with the bylaw – and noted this is ultimately about keeping people and their dogs safe.
Council has referred the matter back to staff who will now have to return with changes based on the latest discussions.
The bylaw would apply to all pets, not just dogs. The bylaw would remain in effect in perpetuity for Applefest as it is a yearly event.
(Written by: Sarah Hyatt)