It’s official – bringing your pets to Brighton’s Applefest could cost you.
Council put its weight behind a no pets bylaw at its planning meeting Monday evening.
As previously reported, council was eyeing the bylaw to give some teeth to enforcement efforts for specific areas in town and set times during Applefest.
In short, the bylaw prohibits all animals – except for service animals – during Applefest. Non-compliance can lead to a $250 fine/receipt of an administrative penalty notice, according to staff’s latest report to council.
The matter was debated earlier this year but was referred back to staff – this was on the heels of an Applefest advisory committee recommendation for action back in January.
In the bylaw documentation, it states hosting or escorting animals to Applefest, providing a false statement and/or information to a bylaw officer, or hindering and/or obstructing – whether directly or indirectly – a bylaw officer, can result in a $250 fine.
The bylaw may be enforced by OPP, municipal bylaw enforcement and/or others appointed during Applefest, explained municipal staff.
Applefest marks 50 years in 2024 and is a staple of the fall festival season, often drawing in a crowd of 10,000 to 15,000 to the small community. The ever-growing popular street fair usually sees Main Street flooded with shoppers and vendors and was earlier identified as an area of concern when it comes to people bringing animals to festivities.
However, despite messaging in previous years to leave pets at home considering the crowds, getting that message to stick has been described as a challenge.
The bylaw is meant to provide some teeth – it’s not meant to prompt a “massive enforcement effort,” residents heard earlier.
“We just want to keep people, and frankly, their dogs, safe,” explained Mayor Brian Ostrander earlier. “The reality is people are bringing dogs into an environment where dogs should not be.”
The bylaw specifically prohibits animals during set times during the street fair on Main Street (from Prince Edward to Victoria streets), at Memorial Park, the children’s village (King Edward Park in its entirety), at Fire Station No. 1, and at the car show at Brighton Public School.
Times will be those scheduled by the advisory committee and posted on the municipality’s website. The hours of 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. were previously mentioned.
As previously reported, municipal staff noted that in order to enforce the bylaw several signs indicating “no animals permitted” will have to be put in place.
Without the signs, enforcement cannot take place – i.e. enforcement can be challenged with people claiming they didn’t know, Allen Magee with bylaw enforcement told council previously.
Staff said they will work with Applefest committee members on placement of signs.
Pets refer to all animals, not just dogs. The bylaw will remain in effect in perpetuity for Applefest as a yearly event.
(Written by: Sarah Hyatt)