The popular Netflix series Ginny & Georgia is set to return to Cobourg for its third season, with filming scheduled from August 26-30, 2024.
The production will bring approximately 120 crew members, 50 background performers, and 40 production trucks to the town. Filming will take place at several iconic Cobourg locations, including Victoria Hall, The El, and Victoria Park.
On Wednesday, August 28, from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., residents can expect intermittent traffic stoppages on King Street and surrounding areas to accommodate the filming. To create an authentic setting, American flags will replace the Canadian flags flying from Victoria Hall and on King Street West.
The Town of Cobourg and the Downtown Business Improvement Area (DBIA) are supporting the project and Jackie Chapman Davis is available for any questions or concerns at 905-373-7976.
Ginny & Georgia follows the complex relationship between a mother and daughter, portrayed by Antonia Gentry and Brianne Howy. The series’ second season was a global hit, drawing 56 million views within five weeks of its release. Fans can look forward to seeing familiar Cobourg sights when the new season airs.
(Written by: Joseph Goden)