A six-year-old girl has died after being struck by a vehicle in Tweed, say Central Hastings OPP.
OPP, Tweed firefighters and Hastings Quinte Paramedics responded to the call on Jamieson Street West shortly after 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 1, 2024, reported Central Hastings OPP.
An off-duty nurse and others attempted also life-saving measures on scene, but the victim, a six-year-old girl, was pronounced deceased after being rushed to hospital, said police, adding the name of the victim will not be released.
The vehicle and driver remained at the scene, reported OPP.
The investigation is ongoing, involving members of the Central Hastings OPP detachment, the crime unit, an OPP collision reconstructionist and technical collision investigators and the forensic identification services unit, in conjunction with the Office of the Chief Coroner.
Anyone who witnessed the incident or who may have relevant dash-cam video is asked to contact Central Hastings OPP at 1-888-310-1122 and refer to incident number E241170006.
No other details were provided by police.
(Written by: Sarah Hyatt)