The HKPR District Health Unit is reporting 8 new COVID-19 cases in our health unit region: 3 in Northumberland and 5 in Kawartha Lakes.
There is also an additional death in Northumberland County, bring the total death toll to 7.
A day after hitting a seven-week low, Ontario is reporting two-thousand and 93 new COVID-19 infections today (Jan 28).
In Northumberland, there is now 15 unresolved cases in our county, with 345 resolved to date.
Since the start of the pandemic there have been 827 cases in the health unit’s region.
The health unit has listed 44 as high risk contacts in Northumberland, meaning 44 Northumberland County residents have recently been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19.
You can find out more about local numbers by visiting https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiOTJkYWRmODgtYzg5Ni00MmMyLWIzODgtNDU4ODYxZTVlNzc3IiwidCI6IjdkYzFmZjlkLTA1ZjEtNGNhNi1iYWZlLTIyNmZmNWYxNmJkYSJ9.
The province is going to allow students to return to classes in four more public health units on Monday, including Ottawa and Middlesex-London.
No Pfizer vaccine doses are being delivered this week, but federal officials say deliveries will increase in the weeks to follow.