Officers from across East Region of the Ontario Provincial Police are reminding the Public that since the Fall season is now upon us this means that hunting season has also arrived. There will be many hunters travelling the back road and rural areas in the coming weeks. It is important for hunters to ensure that hunter safety and being prepared are kept in mind when venturing out for the day.
The OPP will be working with Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry throughout the hunting season to ensure that hunter safety and ethical hunting practices are in everyone’s mind. Here are some things to consider when planning your day in the bush:
• Make sure that you have the proper hunting licences for the game that you will be hunting for. It is your responsibility to know the game possession limits for your hunting area, as well as the hunting season dates for your wildlife management area.
• Check your Firearms Licence (Possession / Acquisition or Possession Only) to make sure that they are current. You must have a current licence to carry a firearm and have it with you.
• When transporting your firearm and ammunition, ensure that both are secured properly. It is an offence to have a loaded firearm in your vehicle, ATV or vessel.
• All firearms must be unloaded and encased between ½ hour after sunset and ½ before sunrise. A half hour before sunrise to a half hour after sunset are the legal hunting hours.
• Hunter orange is a must. All hunters must wear a hunter orange garment and a hunter orange head covering of some sort. The more visible you are – The safer you will be. Check the regulations regarding these requirements.
• Tell someone where you will be hunting and when you expect to be back. Take a cell phone with you if possible. If you are walking, let someone know where you will park your vehicle. If you become lost or injured, this will save searchers a great deal of valuable time if they know where to start.
• Dress for the weather and wear proper footwear. Fall weather can often change quickly.
• Be prepared. Pack items such as water, snacks, matches, a first aid kit, map, compass, knife, flashlight and perhaps extra gloves/socks and a wind breaker. If you are lost, run into bad weather or are injured, you can look after your immediate needs and stay warm. A GPS is always a good idea. If you are using a vehicle, be prepared for breakdowns. If you are with others, Family Radio System (FRS) “walkie talkies” can be handy too.
• Hunt only where you are permitted and stay off private property unless you have written permission from the land owner.
• Hunting by night (jack lighting) for big game species such as deer, moose and bear is illegal and is very dangerous.
• When using an Off Road Vehicle or ATV, it is your responsibility to abide by the relevant legislation pertaining to its operation and the carrying of a firearm while travelling.
• Show consideration for others using the forest. If someone approaches you, unload your firearm as a courtesy. If the area is busy, consider a different area to hunt.
• A firearms licence shows that the licence holder can possess and use firearms
Practice safe firearm handling practices by treating all guns as if they are loaded. Ensure that you safely carry your firearm. Never let your firearm “cover” anything you are not willing to destroy and keep the safety on and finger off the trigger until you are actually going to fire. Be sure of your target and what stands beyond. If you are not sure of either, do not fire and wait. You are responsible for the rounds you fire, so make sure of what is beyond your target and what your target is. There may be others in the forest close by.
Hunter safety is everyone’s responsibility. The Ontario Provincial Police encourages all residents and visitors to conduct safe hunting practices. For more information about hunting regulations go to or contact your local MNRF office at 1-877-847-7667.