The Town of Cobourg now has a new Deputy Police Chief. Jeff Haskins was sworn in today at 2 pm in the Victoria Hall in front of colleagues, dignitaries and members of the public. Haskins is a 30-year veteran of policing, serving with the Durham Regional Police Service in many capacities including being the Divisional Commander at both East and West Divisions.
The ceremony had CPS Board Chair Dean Pepper and Town Of Cobourg Clerk Brent Larmer on the stage while Haskins signed his papers in front of a appreciative crowd.
The ceremony was officiated by CPS Sargeant Scott Bambridge and had several speakers from Mayor John Henderson, to Police Chief Paul Vandegraaf.
A beautiful bouquet of flowers was given to Haskins wife and his two sons receive special coins as well.
Deputy Chief Haskins starts his position this week and will bring a unique perspective to policing moving forwards. We had an opportunity to speak with the new Deputy Chief at the ceremonies’ conclusion.