Well maybe not by 2024 but with it’s rise in popularity, being called the “fastest growing sport in America”, it might not be long before you too, try the sport.
And that’s what Marilou Martin, President of the Cobourg Pickleball Club invites you to do this October.
Martin told us they’ve already doubled is size since they formed last year.
Developed in 1965, Pickleball’s popularity has grown immensely over the last 10 years.
Marilou told us they hosted a tournament earlier this year.
Currently, Cobourg has two outdoor pickleball courts, located at Coverdale Park and Sinclair Park which serve dual duty as tennis and pickleball courts with extra line paintings.
According to Martin, there’s demand to support dedicated courts.
Marilou told us there are a lot of reasons people play.
Engage Cobourg has launched an Outdoor Pickleball Courts survey and you’re invited to complete it until it closes on September 8, 2022 by visiting:
Outdoor Pickleball Courts | Engage Cobourg
(Written by Joseph Goden)