Fans of choral music will be happy to hear there’s a live event happening December 10.
The Safe Harbour Choir will be performing “Songs for the Longest Night” at the Cold Springs Memorial Hall. It will be a collection of Christmas themed songs and include anything from solos to quartets and more.
Marie Anderson, Choir Director for Safe Harbour said they only hold two fundraisers a year, so after the pandemic this one is an important one.
She said it’s great to be back, but it’s not exactly to normal just yet.
Proceeds from the concert will be donated to SONG, or Sounds of the Next Generation, a free, socially inclusive after-school music program for children and youth in Northumberland County.
Anderson explained the origins of SONG and Safe Harbour Choir.
Anderson said many former students who participated in SONG as kids are now singing in Safe Harbour to help keep the program running.
Anderson said there are still a few tickets left, so you can still come to the show on Saturday December 10 at 6:30pm at Cold Springs Memorial Hall.
You can purchase tickets here.
Written by Lee McConnell