The Project Lifesaver program played a crucial role in rescuing a missing 67-year-old Quinte West man with dementia on Jan. 15, 2025, say Quinte West OPP.
The man was reported missing after leaving his residence. He was wearing a Project Lifesaver radio frequency bracelet, which allowed officers to quickly locate him.
Within 10 minutes of arriving on scene, officers said they found the man about one kilometre from his home. He was trapped in a treed area, out of sight from the road and showing signs of hypothermia.
Hastings Quinte Paramedics assessed the man before he was safely reunited with his family. Quinte West OPP are crediting the Project Lifesaver program for the successful outcome.
Administered locally by the Alzheimer Society for Hastings-Prince Edward, the program provides bracelets to individuals with cognitive impairments, enabling police to locate them quickly if they wander.
Families are encouraged to contact the Alzheimer Society or their local OPP detachment for more information.
(Written by: Joseph Goden)