If you’re interested in serving your community, the Municipality of Brighton wants to hear from you.
One of the areas the municipality needs help on amid the housing crisis is its homelessness taskforce, with the addition of public member.
The taskforce aims to bring together service providers, community organizations and other key players to tackle a community action plan to help people experiencing homelessness in Brighton, explain municipal staff.
The taskforce will meet about six times annually.
If you’re interested in local heritage, there’s also an opening on the municipality’s advisory committee.
This committee advises council on preserving, celebrating and raising awareness of Brighton’s cultural heritage for the community’s social, cultural and economic benefit, note staff.
The group meets about four times per year.
The municipality says ideal candidates for its advisory committees and local boards are connected to the community, have strong communication skills and the ability to collaborate amongst a team.
Officials note that such opportunities can also be of benefit to residents, offering networking opportunities, the chance to develop professional and personal skills and engage in local decision-making and government.
For residents interested in helping out, there are eligibility requirements: Applicants must be a resident of Brighton and/or own property within the municipality, be older than 18, and can’t be employed by the municipality or a local committee.
Interested applicants can learn more and apply online via the municipality’s website.
Residents with questions about citizen appointments can also contact deputy clerk Jessica Polly at the Municipal Centre by calling 613-475-0670 ext. 203 or emailing jpolley@brighton.ca.
(Written by: Sarah Hyatt)