On April 8, 2024, a spectacular and rare celestial event is set to unfold over
Canada, the United States and Mexico – a total solar eclipse.
As the Moon aligns perfectly between Earth and the Sun, temporary darkness will sweep across parts of the country,
captivating countless spectators.
Solar Eclipse Local News Stories

COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT: Watching a total solar eclipse will be thrilling, but for scientists it will be an amazing opportunity
The total solar eclipse on Monday is an exciting time for many, from casual spectators to those working in science studying the event. Mark Richardson is the Manager of Education & Public Outreach...
Apr 07, 2024

Will it be sunny in Northumberland for the solar eclipse?
Now just three more sleeps from the total solar eclipse in Ontario, and many are starting to worry about whether or not they'll be able to see the event because of cloud cover. Environment Canada Seni...
Apr 05, 2024

'We're taking all precautions necessary': Brighton preparing for Monday's solar eclipse
The Municipality of Brighton says it is taking all precautions necessary to prepare for Monday's total solar eclipse. "From the Municipality of Brighton's perspective, we've tried to leverage all...
Apr 05, 2024

"Our top priority is the safety of residents": Northumberland County
With the solar eclipse looming, Northumberland County has prioritized safety for all. "While we are excited to witness this rare event, our top priority is the safety of residents," states W...
Apr 04, 2024

Ontario Provincial Police warn drivers to exercise caution while driving during the eclipse
On April 8, 2024, a solar eclipse will take place in the Northumberland sky. This will be a spectacular and rare event that only occurs once every 400 years or so when the Moon passes between the Eart...
Apr 03, 2024

If you're planning on watching the solar eclipse in Northumberland, be sure to protect your eyes
Registered Optician Chelsea Legacy told us that the safest way to view the eclipse is to watch a remote broadcast, but if you really to see it with your own eyes, you'll need special gear. If you're l...
Mar 28, 2024

A total solar eclipse is coming to Northumberland on April 8th
On Monday, April 8, 2024, Northumberland will witness a remarkable, once-in-a-lifetime celestial spectacle: a total solar eclipse will grace our skies. With this rare event on the horizon, Northumberl...
Mar 06, 2024